B19/ BMMC SE Sprint today
Hi All,
I would like to pass on my thanks to all the marshals who were at todays event at North Weald. They had a busy day and all worked extremely well and very proffesional to the last. The weather was against you guys and gals all day but your spirits and excellent skills kept the day running to a high standard. A comment was made by one of the senior officials that when the red flag was needed how well it was done. For me as Asst Chief it was a learning curve as I am usually in orange for events like these. But it all went well.
Once again I take my hat off to you all and hope you all enjoyed a day of something a bit different ( like a TVR rapped up in a fence). If you have any thing you would like to say on the meeting please let me know and I can pass it on.
Thank you all,
Richard Sneader, Asst Chief Marshal.