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Old 29 Aug 2002, 05:39 (Ref:367969)   #1
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Ag_M88 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Where Can i get Dimentional Diagram F1

For make CAD in program Proengineer
Help me plz
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Old 1 Sep 2002, 19:50 (Ref:370684)   #2
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

Depends which dimensions you want, I've got the FIA sporting reg's for 2001 which have a few diagrams included.
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:47 (Ref:372290)   #3
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

Cameras...probably not relevant...
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camera positions.gif  
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:49 (Ref:372291)   #4
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
a cockpit one?
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cockpit area.gif  
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:51 (Ref:372292)   #5
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:53 (Ref:372294)   #6
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

Another cockpit one
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:54 (Ref:372295)   #7
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Poor quality image, skidblock dim's
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:55 (Ref:372296)   #8
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Survival cell
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:56 (Ref:372299)   #9
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

Lastly and probably most uselessly
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transponder positions.gif  
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 17:59 (Ref:372303)   #10
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid


3.1 Wheel centre line:
The centre line of any wheel shall be deemed to be half way between two straight edges, perpendicular to the surface on which the car is standing, placed against opposite sides of the complete wheel at the centre of the tyre tread.
3.2 Height measurements:
All height measurements will be taken normal to and from the reference plane.
3.3 Overall width:
The overall width of the car; including complete wheels, must not exceed 1 8OOmm with the steered wheels in the straight ahead position.
3.4 Width ahead of the rear wheel centre line:
3.4.1) Bodywork width ahead of the rear wheel centre line must not exceed l4OOmm.
3.4.2) No lateral extremity of any bodywork forward of the front wheels may deflect more than 5mm vertically when a 50kg mass is placed on it. During such a test the centre of area of the mass will be placed 7OOmm forward of the front wheel centre line with its outer edge 7OOmm from the car centre line.

The precise dimensions of the mass which will be used are available from the FIA Technical Department.
3.4.3) In order to prevent tyre damage to other cars, the top and forward edges of the lateral extremities of any bodywork forward of the front wheels must be at least 10 mm thick with a radius of at least 5 mm.
3.5 Width behind the rear wheel centre line:
Bodywork width behind the rear wheel centre line must not exceed 1000mm.
~6 Overall height:
No part of the bodywork may be more than 950 mm above the reference plane.
3.7 Front bodywork height:
~l bodywork situated forward of a point lying 330 mm behind the front wheel centre line, and more than 250 mm from the centre line of the car, must be no less than 100 mm and no more than 3OOmm above the reference plane.
3.8 Height in front of the rear wheels:
3.8.1) Other than the rear view mirrors, each with a maximum area in plan view of 9000 mm2, no bodywork situated more than 330 mm behind the front wheel centre line and more than 330 mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which is more than 600mm above the reference plane, may be more than 300 mm from the centre line of the car
3.8.2) No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 8OOmm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which is more than 500 mm from the centre line of the car, may be more than 500 mm above the reference plane.
3.8.3) No bodywork between the rear wheel centre line and a line 4OOmm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which is more than 500 mm from the centre line of the car, may be more than 300 mm above the reference plane.
3.9 Bodywork between the rear wheels:
3.9.1) No bodywork situated between the rear wheel centre line and a point lying 330 mm forward of it may be more than 60Omm above the reference plane.
3.9.2) No bodywork situated between the rear wheel centre line and a point lying 150 mm behind it may be more than 450mm above the reference plane.
3.10 Height behind the rear wheel centre line:
3.10.1) Any part of the car more than 150mm behind the centre line of the rear wheels must not be more than 8OOmm above the reference plane.
3.10.2) No bodywork behind the centre line of the rear wheels, and more than 150 mm each side of the longitudinal centre line of the car, may be less than 300 mm above the reference plane.
3.10.3) Any bodywork more than 150 mm behind the rear wheel centre line which is more than 300 mm above the refe-rence plane, and between 75 mm and 480 mm from the car centre line, must lie in one of two areas when viewed from the side of the car. These areas are situated from 300 mm to 375 mm and 600 mm to 800 mm above the reference plane. When these areas are viewed from the side of the car, no lon-gitudinal cross section may have more than three closed sections in the upper area or more than one in the lower.
3.11 Bodywork around the front wheels:
With the exception of brake cooling ducts, in plan view, there must be no bodywork in the area formed by two longitudinal lines parallel to and 400 mm and 900 mm from the car centre line and two transversal lines, one 350 mm forward of and one 800 mm behind the front wheel centre line.
3.12 Bodywork facing the ground:
3.12.1) All sprung parts of the car situated more than
330 mm behind the front wheel centre line and more than
330 mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, and which are visible from underneath, must form surfaces which lie on one of two parallel planes, the reference plane or the step plane. This does not apply to any parts of rear view mirrors which are visible, provided each of these areas does not exceed 9000 mm2 when projected to a horizontal plane above the Car. The step plane must be 5Omm above the reference plane.
3.12.2) The surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane must
- extend from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line of the rear wheels
- have minimum and maximum widths of 300 mm and 500 mm respectively
- be symmetrical about the centre line of the car;
- have a 50 mm radius (+/-2mm) on each front corner when viewed from directly beneath the car, this being applied after the surface has been defined.
3.12.3) The surface lying on the reference plane must be joined at its extremities to the surfaces lying on the step plane by a vertical transition. If there is no surface visible on the step plane vertically above any point around the extre-mity of the reference plane, this transition is not necessary. 3.12.4) The peripheries of the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes may be curved upwards with maximum radii of 25 and 50 mm respectively. Where the vertical transition meets the surfaces on the step plane a radius, no greater than 25 mm, is permitted.
A radius in this context will be considered as an arc applied perpendicular to the periphery and tangential to both sur-faces.
The surface lying on the reference plane, the surfaces lying on the step plane and the vertical transitions between them, must first be fully defined before any radius can be applied or the skid block fitted. Any radius applied is still considered part of the relevant surface.
3.12.5) All parts lying on the reference and step planes, in addition to the transition between the two planes, must pro-duce uniform, solid, hard, continuous, rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit), impervious sur-faces under all circumstances.
Fully enclosed holes are permitted in these surfaces pro-vided no part of the car is visible through them when viewed from directly below.
3.12.6) To help overcome any possible manufacturing pro-blems, and not to permit any design which may contravene any part of these regulations, dimensional tolerances are per-mitted on bodywork situated between a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line and the rear wheel centre line. A vertical tolerance of +1-S mm is permissible across the surfaces lying on the reference and step planes and a horizontal tolerance of 5 mm is permitted when assessing whether a surface is visible from beneath the car.
3.12.7) All sprung parts of the car situated behind a point lying 330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, which are visible from underneath and are more than 250 mm from the centre line of the car, must be at least 50 mm above the refe-rence plane.
3.13 Skid block:
3.13.1) Beneath the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane, a rectangular skid block, with a 50 mm radius (+1-2 mm) on each front corner must be fitted. This skid block may comprise more than one piece but must
a) extend longitudinally from a point lying 330 mm behind the front wheel centre line to the centre line of the rear wheels.
b) be made from an homogeneous material with a specific gravity between 1.3 and 1.45.
c) have a width of 300 mm with a tolerance of +/- 2 mm.
d) have a thickness of 10 mm with a tolerance of +/- 1 mm.
e) have a uniform thickness when new.
f) have no holes or cut outs other than those necessary to fit the fasteners permitted by 3.13.2 or those holes specifically mentioned in g) below.
g) have seven precisely placed holes the positions of which are detailed in Drawing 1. In order to establish the conformity of the skid block after use, it's thickness will only be mea-sured in the four 50mm diameter holes and the two forward 80 mm diameter holes.
h) be fixed symmetrically about the centre line of the car in such a way that no air may pass between it and the surface

formed by the parts lying on the reference plane.
3.13.2) Fasteners used to attach the skid block to the car must:
a) have a total area no greater than 40000mm2 when viewed from directly beneath the car;
b) be no greater than 2000 mm2 in area individually when viewed from directly beneath the car;
c) be fitted in order that their entire lower surfaces are visible from directly beneath the car.
When the skid block is new, ten of the fasteners may be flush with its lower surface but the remainder may be no more than 8mm below the reference plane.
3.13.3) The lower edge of the periphery of the skid block may be chamfered at an angle of 30 to a depth of 8 mm, the trai-ling edge however may be chamfered over a distance of 2OOmm to a depth of 8 mm.
to be continued.......
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Old 3 Sep 2002, 18:03 (Ref:372309)   #11
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BoyWunder should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

3.14 Overhangs:
No part of the car shall be more than 500mm behind the centre line of the rear wheels or more than 1200 mm in front of the centre line of the front wheels.
No part of the bodywork more than 200 mm from the centre line of the car may be more than 900 mm in front of the front wheel centre line.
All overhang measurements will be taken parallel to the reference plane.
3.15 Aerodynamic influence:
Any specific part of the car influencing its aerodynamic performance (with the exception of the cover described in Article 6.5.2 in the pit lane only)
- Must comply with the rules relating to bodywork.
- Must be rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the
car (rigidly secured means not having any degree of freedom).
- Must remain immobile in relation to the sprung part of the car.
In order to ensure that this requirement is respected, the FIA reserves the right to introduce load/deflection tests on any part of the bodywork which appears to be (or is suspected of), moving whilst the car is in motion.
Any device or construction that is designed to bridge the gap between the sprung part of the car and the ground is prohi-bited under all circumstances.
No part having an aerodynamic influence and no part of the bodywork, with the exception of the skid block in 3.13 above, may under any circumstances be located below the refe-rence plane.
3.16 Upper bodywork:
3.16.1) With the exception of the opening described in Article
3.16.3, when viewed from the side, the car must have body-work in the triangle formed by three lines, one vertical pas-sing 1330 mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, one hori-zontal 550 mm above the reference plane and one diagonal which intersects the vertical at a point 940mm above the reference plane and the horizontal 330mm forward of the rear wheel centre line.
The bodywork over the whole of this area must be arranged symmetrically about the car centre line and must be at least 200 mm wide when measured at any point along a second diagonal line parallel to and 200 mm vertically below the first. Furthermore, over the whole area between the two diagonal lines, the bodywork must be wider than a vertical isosceles triangle lying on a lateral plane which has a base 200 mm wide lying on the second diagonal line.
3.16.2) When viewed from the side, the car must have no bodywork in the triangle formed by three lines, one vertical 330 mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, one horizontal
950 mm above the reference plane, and one diagonal which Intersects the vertical at a point 600 mm above the reference Plane and the horizontal at a point 1030 mm forward of the rear wheel centre line.
3.16.3) In order that a car may be lifted quickly in the event of it Stopping on the circuit, the principal rollover structure must incorporate a clearly visible unobstructed opening desi-
gned to permit a strap, whose section measures 6Omm x 30 mm, to pass through it.
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Old 4 Sep 2002, 11:52 (Ref:372947)   #12
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Ag_M88 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Thank you For this
But Its not enough for make CAD/CAM file in Program Proengineer.
My professer give Project to make it
But i dont have real F1
can u tell me where i can get it
when it finish i will share file and Dimentional Diagram
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Old 5 Sep 2002, 01:44 (Ref:373489)   #13
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Jukebox should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid

What actually are you looking for? could you be more specific.

Are you looking for a shareware CAD proengineer program?

Try going HERE
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more hors3epower
Old 5 Sep 2002, 06:15 (Ref:373534)   #14
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Originally posted by Jukebox
What actually are you looking for?
I think he wants us to help him with his homework

One suggestion, try Racecar Engineering magazine or take measurements from a scale model.

Last edited by alfasud; 5 Sep 2002 at 06:18.
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