Update on unusual marriage question.
I got a call from Joe on this past Friday. He was coming through the area, on his way to a confrence at Camp LeJeune, NC, and ask if he could stay a couple of days. Good to see an old friend, hadn't seen him in two years. We laughed, several times so hard that we had tears in our eyes, and pain in our sides, about old times. I ask him to tell me how things were between he and his finance' (sp?) He told me that they are compatable on all things except racing, which they remain at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Says that they have made an agreement not to talk about racing, and certianly not to try to get the other to watch, or try to convert the other. He said that in June, she would appologize for her rude behavior at my house on that evening. She wants to do it in person, instead of over the phone, or in a card of somekind. He says that he is going to buy a second TV (so much for my gift) and that they will watch their respective races, in seperate rooms, without bothering each other, and that if friends come over to watch races, the friends will watch the races in different rooms, he, the den, and her, the living/family room. So I guess everything will turn out ok for them. He said that racing was not going to be the focal point of their relationship. I breath a sigh of relief over that one. He thanked me, once again, for agreeing to be the best man. Also said that there would be no mention, not visible signs of either racing series at the wedding, or reception afterwards. With info, I think maybe they've worked it out, and just might have a chance. All and all a great weekend with an old, and close friend. Just thought ya'll might want to know.