Much has been written on the subject in recent weeks and this weeks Autosport carries a worthy feature in Sports Extre (page 77)
A nice shot of a 6 prominent racers exiting Graham Hill Bend on the track with a nameless gentlemen
using that little bit more by way of the "grasscrete."
Maybe he picked up this quick exit from Graham Hill Bend from the DTM boys and girls who 2 weeks previous were doing pretty much the same thing lap after lap - see picture in same Autosport page 27 - a DTM BMW in identical position. To my knowledge no penalties were issued to our star drivers on this occasion.
I support the respecting of track limits but until consistency is brought in week after week irrespective of organising club, clerk of the course, category of racing it is not going to get drivers to keep off the luxury smooth additional run off that has been put in place.